I have a natural fascination for understanding how things work;
studying medical sciences cultivated this drive to learn and
focus my analytical research skills:
expertise valuable - when applied to computer code

I aim to contribute my skills — UCL MSc Applied Medical Sciences (1st Hons) & Completed General Assembly, Computer Software Engineering Course (Full Stack Development) — in a business context while continuously developing my knowledge,
in a software engineering job role.

Search Polygon 🔗

Introducing "Search P o l y g ♻ n" - a collaborative search tool.
Connect multiple sources, link your knowledge, shape your search!
| Current (personal project) | Collaboration
⭐️ React (with React Hooks); Google Firebase; Text Analytics API

Flag Pieces 🔗

Interact with Global news events, save articles to your user profile and add reactions via comments and tags.
| 1 week, pair-programming
⭐️ Flask; Postgres; Python; News API; SQLAlchemy; React; Mapbox; JWT

Biology 🔗

MSc Thesis: “Novel Marker Distribution Pipeline for Analysis of Cell Based Quantitative Spatial Information”
The project focused on developing bioinformatic tools to better understand large biological datasets.
| 1 year, MSc project | Interdisciplinary Collaboration
⭐️ R-Programming Language; Ilastik (Machine Learning); CellProfiler; Fiji: Image J; Shell Script

Wilderness 🔗

Worked in collaboration to build a camping application which would enable people to discover recreational areas in any US state and find campgrounds nearby.
| 1 week, 3-person group project
⭐️ React; Express API; MongoDB; Insomnia (API Client); Git; Mocha and Chai

Muziac 🔗

Mix and match your music: an online music discovery platform.
Built using React.js with React Hooks
| 48 hrs Hackathon, pair-programming
⭐️ React; Deezer API; Bulma; Axios; React Router Dom (withRouter)

Simple Red Snake Game 🔗

I implemented the creation of the original single-player game of Snake, while integrating my own features and style where possible.
| 1 week, individual project
⭐️ JavaScript; HTML; CSS